Our monthly newsletter mission is to inform and educate folks on commonly mistaken ideas about Astrology and its practices. Many ideas for articles are suggested through the Ask Astrologer section of this web site. Between the Pillars is published around the 15th of every month and only goes to those who subscribe to it. To subscribe to it, click on the logo of this page to return to the entrance and fill in the form for subsciption on that page. In 2005, we named it and guaranteed a monthly delivery electronically. It has be anointed as "Between the Pillars". We named it that because of our name and its acronym. I RA I. Ra being the light between the pillars. Interestingly enough, this happenstance was not intended when we named the business. Nevertheless, you get the idea is the "light between". If you have an article idea or would like to submit an article, please contact us through the CONTACT IRAI link. Current Newsletter can be found