About Professional Consultations
our Philosophy and our Web site Our goal at IRAI is to excite people to learn more about their own personal astrology. Using their own personal astrology as a guide to conscious living. We are all made of the stars. The Universe is One. After several months of electronic transmission of Astrology via the Internet, the owners have learned there is much more of an interest in the original astrologer's interpretations than the canned software interpretations. This website's information is devised to bring quick and easy-to-understand introductory information to the visitor. It is, by no means, meant to be a textbook for astrology. This is just disseminate enough information that will allow the visitor to pursue more elaborate information at their local library or bookstore. Throughout the website you will see recommendations for books or references that we encourage you to utilize for additional information. We also recommend books in our Bookstore for purchase. The owners feel that most information via the web should be freely available if it is common information. This is the reason we set up IRAI's Reference and Resource center. Original intellectual thought, on the other hand, would need to be purchased. The owners do not claim any scholarly original intellectual thought in the lessons of this website. The presentation of the information with graphics and illustrations, however, is considered original. We ask that you request permission to reprint or copy in partial or totality any of our pages. The web site is divided up with the various forms to purchase interpretative reports, consultation time. Added in 2003 is the Indigo Ray Astrology Inquiry Astrology School with a listing of classes and available workshops. This area includes an indepth Resource Center for Learning. The IRAI logo at the top of any page or in the sidebar can be clicked on with all the pages to return to INGRESS (entrance) of the web site. This graphic links you to an original ready reference clickable map of the astrological wheel. It is placed throughout the website to assist you in the understanding of the text. For ease of accessing quick information a SEARCH ENGINE for this site only, is placed on pertinent pages of the IRAI. The dynamic areas of the web site that will change on a timely basis will be: c) The Glossary e)
Free Lessons Those are all good reasons to add this site to your bookmarks or favorites list. Every effort has been made to link terminology and words that are unique to the astrology language to their definition or explanation page within the website. It is our desire to make the reading and comprehending easy and quick for the visitor. If you have any suggestions on how to better the experience, please feel free to EMAIL US. Contributions to this web site from other astrologer's are encouraged. Please inquire by using the CONTACT IRAI link in the side bar. Wishing you Joy and Serenity, Ira and Jacquelyn